You've found the password of Laura's LiveScope account
You've found the sewers key
You've stolen Phil Maxwell's keys
You've used the C4 to open the hospital door
You've restored the power in the hospital
You've watched credits without being forced
You've completed the story
You've completed the chapter X
You've drunk some sewer water
You've found all the Emily's music boxes
You've answered all phone calls
You've completed the chapter IX
You've completed the chapter VIII
You've completed the chapter VII
You've tried to do something stupid
You've completed the chapter VI
You've completed the chapter V
You've completed the chapter IV
You've used a medikit
You've killed 3 enemies with headshots
You've completed the chapter III
You've completed the chapter II
You've completed the chapter I
you've fed Choukette
You've found the pistol
You've survive the 1st upside down
you've escaped from your cell
You survived school